> Standard grade
The standard grade produced by MSM is well suited for the different consuming sectors of sodium sulphate: manufacturers of detergent, glass, paper pulp, Kraft pulp, textile coloration processes, industrial dyes, feed grade , enzyme production, etc...
> Coarse grades
MSM is a pioneer and market leader in sodium sulphate with high particle size. We offer different types of grades, being the average particle size the main difference between them. They all present a very narrow particle size distributions and therefore very uniform particles.
> Coloured grades
MSM currently has 5 different types of coloured sodium sulphate, offering the following colours: blue, orange, pink, green and red. Not having discarded additional colours in the future. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Na-G Azul Na-G Naranja Na-G Rosa Na-G Rosa Carmín Na-G Verde Na-G Rojo
> Custom-made
MSM makes continuous investments in R&D, which facilitates the development of new products custom-made to cover the needs of sodium sulphate end-users. Thanks to this improvement and innovation potential, we offer products with high added value, widely appreciated by our consumers. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.