MSM is a company committed to Quality and Environment, certified under the ISO9001 standard since 1996 and under the ISO14001 standard since 2001. In line with this commitment, and thanks to strict quality controls, MSM is registered in the European Union registers for the manufacture and commercialization of raw materials for feed  industry, and also registered in the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for said activities.

MSM, in accordance with its environmental commitment, develops its activities taking into account the principles of sustainability and circular economy, minimizing the generation of waste and spills in its manufacturing process, as well as optimizing water and energy consumption. This allows the overall reduction of the carbon footprint, both at product and organization levels.

MSM also carries out the restoration of all mining fronts through the best available techniques, which allows the landscape integration of the lands affected by the mining works, the regeneration of the soils by means of the contribution of vegetal land and the implementation of a plant layer adapted to the conditions of the environment by sowing native species. The final aim is to return the land used in the mining operations to the original owners, for practices and services previously established.


Sostenibilidad Minera Santa Marta
Laboratiorio Innovación Desarrollo